Here we are on the threshold of the autumnal equinox, a time where I would normally wax rhapsodic about the fading glory of summer while also reflecting on the gifts of fall. Instead, I am using this Slice of Sunshine to announce that I have finally (finally!) updated my website. 🥳 It’s still (and […]
Tag: self worth
Slice of Sunshine —Who, me?
Getting pinged by a shadow belief I like things to run smoothly and I take a lot of pride in creating systems to ensure that we can all function with the least amount of chaos and wasted energy. Some may call this “type A,” others may call this “hyper-organized” or even “anal retentive.” Maybe even […]
Slice of Sunshine —Solving is Not Always the Solution
So many people are facing tough times. This means many of us are finding ourselves in the position of being supporters for loved ones, helping those who are in distress and in need of resources and comfort. When connecting with a dear one facing adversity, my intention is to be a supportive listener and open-hearted, […]
Slice of Sunshine —Department of Practical Sunshine 2022 Pep Talk
Receive the “Slice of Sunshine” in your inbox by subscribing to the Department of Practical Sunshine newsletter. Text… Try it! Text…
Slice of Sunshine —Try the Salmon
Many Thanksgivings ago one of my co-celebrants requested salmon for their meal. At the time, I joined in the gentle mocking of this person for their heretical main dish choice. (I have since learned that seafood was probably served at the first Thanksgiving AND apologized to the person for the mocking.) While in day-to-day living […]
Slice of Sunshine —Reading Is Fun(damental)
To quote the PSA from my childhood, reading is fun(damental)! Below are five of the Department of Practical Sunshine’s “fundamental books” including a brief synopsis of why they’re ongoing favorites.* While a “top five” list may seem trite, these books have earned a permanent place in the DPS library and therefore feel worthy of sharing. […]
Slice of Sunshine —Thoughts on Thoughts
One of my standard “coachingisms” is Don’t Believe Everything You Think. Our brains like us to believe that our thoughts are an accurate reflection of what is happening when in truth we are always adding our own filter, context, and meaning. Sometimes this is helpful as we need our interpretive brain to keep us functioning […]
Slice of Sunshine —The Path is the Goal
Many of my coaching clients come to me during a point of transition. Sometimes the transition has been forced upon them because of a shift in their personal or professional life. Others initiated the change themselves but then lose sight of why they made the change or have become overwhelmed or unmotivated. Whether by choice […]
Slice of Sunshine —Department of Practical Sunshine Turns One
The following is one of my journal entries from approximately 2013. It took another 7 years before I actually put these plans into action and launched the Department of Practical Sunshine in October, 2020. One could ask, “What took you so long?” and the answers would come fast and furious: fear, wanting all of my […]
Slice of Sunshine —Everyone Stop on the Sidewalk
I saw the littles from a block away, zooming from corner to corner on their push bikes and scooters. As I approached, I saw that there were two adults stationed in the center of the intersection, monitoring the kiddos and watching for cars. I crossed the street and soon after I heard one of the […]