The following is one of my journal entries from approximately 2013.

It took another 7 years before I actually put these plans into action and launched the Department of Practical Sunshine in October, 2020.
One could ask, “What took you so long?” and the answers would come fast and furious: fear, wanting all of my ducks in a row, dislike of marketing, reluctance to give up a steady paycheck, unsure how to translate all of these disparate pieces into a cohesive whole, and oh, did I mention fear? As it turns out, I still have most of those feelings but along with them I have a set of new feelings too.
Even though the Department continues to evolve, with each passing month I feel more and more at home in this role as the principal of DPS.
One of my values (have you done the What are my values? worksheet?) is growth and whoo-ee, nothing will keep you growing like running your own business.
While they are sometimes cloaked as challenges, the gifts of being able to serve are plentiful…and what’s a birthday without gifts?!
To my closest peeps, to each of my amazing clients, and of course to you, my dedicated readers, thank you. Here’s to year two!
*The bottom left corner of the journal entry is a quote from the Margaret Atwood poem Nothing: “What touches you is what you touch.” This quote has appeared in almost all of my journals dating back to 1989.
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What’s Hiding in YOUR Journals?
I know some of you must also keep journals (though hopefully you write more neatly than I do and date your entries). I encourage you to find some time to look back at your own words and see what’s hiding there.
-What have you put on hold?
-What themes keep coming up?
-What’s holding you back?
-What feels incomplete?
-What makes you yearn for more?
(other) Smart People
Timeless wisdom from Sister Mary Corita

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