I recently had the privilege of leading an in-person “Feedback as a Value and a Skill” workshop for over 100 people. It was great to be out of Zoomworld and back in the wild! While I sensed people were engaged, I was eager to read the post-event evaluations to get their unfiltered and anonymous opinions, […]
Tag: check
Slice of Sunshine: Acceptance is an Option
I don’t like giving up. Some people call me “competitive,” although I prefer the more nuanced labels “determined” or “ambitious.” (To me, competitive is linked with both aggression and I win/you lose, which is NOT what I am about.)But it is true, I have often demonstrated that I am willing to keep driving forward […]
Slice of Sunshine: Where Can I do Less?
It is no secret to my regular readers that I am a fan of efficiency. Whether it is about practicing my pomodoros, prioritizing tasks, or habit stacking, I am always seeking out methods or processes that will help me feel more efficient. A friend commented once that even my body type (a compact, under 5 […]
Slice of Sunshine: Persephone’s Return
In sixth grade, our teacher led a semester-long study of mythology. We marked the end of the term with a “bacchanalia” (no alcohol of course, even though it was the ’80s and rules were different then). We listened to Greek folk dancing music, I had my first taste of moussaka and baklava, and we were assigned to […]
Slice of Sunshine: Three Brains are Better Than One
Whenever I am asked to create a gratitude list (which happens more often that one would think), one of the things I always say I am grateful for is my brain. It is awe inspiring when you consider what our brains can do: retain and process information, make connections and generate emotions, as well as […]
Slice of Sunshine: Beyond Bonbons and Bouquets
There are many Valentine’s Day skeptics, including right here in my Slice of Sunshine readership. I get it. Valentine’s Day is another example of how, when people are forced to do something—whether is “be celebratory” on New Year’s Eve, or “prove your love” on Valentine’s Day—it kind of defeats the purpose. Add into that the […]
Slice of Sunshine: Offers, Freely Given
There are many benefits to being a “giver.” Being more of a giver than a taker has been proven to increase levels of happiness, lower blood pressure and stress, and contribute to a greater sense of empathy and meaning. Social psychology explains that the human desire to give is partly rooted in the fact that […]
Slice of Sunshine: Too Much or Not Enough
In an old episode of The Simpsons, the kids are leaving for a field trip. As they board the school bus, their parents call out words of advice. Chief Wiggum says to his son Ralphie, “If your nose starts bleeding, it means you’re picking it too much…(pause)…or not enough.” I am not about to write […]
Slice of Sunshine: 2023 Pep Talk (video)!
Coming to you almost live, here’s your annual pep talk from DPS. (Here’s last year’s pep talk in case you need a double dose of pep!)Sending you love, gratitude, and many wishes for a happy new year! Text… Receive the “Slice of Sunshine” in your inbox by subscribing to the Department of Practical Sunshine newsletter. Text… Try it! Text…
Slice of Sunshine: Expansion and Contraction
I like big growth and I cannot lie. I cherish it in nature: the first blooms pushing through the spring soil; new sprouts on my houseplants as they unfold into tender leaves; watching my puppy turn into a 72-pound hunk of dopey love. I celebrate it in humans: seeing friends (and clients) moving from indecision […]